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Yanesen Magazine edit by Jordan Sand

No.2, June 15, 1988 400yen

Going to the Source
prehistoric Nishi-Nippori
Merchant for a Day
on Ueno's Ameyoko
Habutae Dango
desserting around town no.2
The Daimyo Clock Museum
clock-keeper Kamiguchi Hitoshi interviewed
Nezu Gongen
the neighborhood shrine revisited
"Pardon My Katakana "
file under pseudo-Iexicography
Jomyo-in's Joe
Yanesen Map
LettersFestival Calendar
Town Topics
Museums and Galleries

No.3, April 10, 1992400yen

Botandoro -- The Peony Lantern
Donald Richie's Version of a well-known ghost story
Update on the main street of the Yanesen area
Kamiguchi Guro -- and the Little Log Cabin in Yanaka
A story about the founder of the Daimyo Clock Museum
When Yoshitoshi was in Nezu
Search for the origin of two ukiyoe prints
Pardon My Katakana - No. 2
the wonderous world of the Japanese language
Neighbors and Contemporaries : Sanyutei Encho
More about the Peony Lantern
Local Walks
Sumiko Enbutsu's walking guide of the Yanesen area
Shinobazu Pond
The struggle to save our pond
Old Town : New Town
Interview with a local historian

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